As we all know, these past few months have been crazy and difficult for many of us. Our world has been hit by a pandemic that has been causing a lot of pain to a lot of people. Stress, anxiety, and depression are things that most people are struggling with right now.
This quarantine is affecting not only the economy but our mental health as well. We want to go out, we want to see our friends and family, we want to travel… but we can’t. For everyone’s health and safety, we have to stay home.
One thing we can do, though, is dream! We can dream of what we will do after this pandemic: what changes we will make in our lives, which people we will want to spend more time with, where we will want to travel, etc.
I wanted to write this post because I know many of us are struggling right now. I want to remind you that, even though it may not be permitted to travel right now, it’s always permitted to dream. Make a list of destinations you want to visit, look through your old travel photos, learn a new language, revamp your bucket list with new challenges. Dream about things that make you happy and excited. I am here to share all my quarantine dreams and I hope it inspires you to do the same.
My Favourite Trips of the Past Year
Mafia Island, Tanzania
Oahu, Hawaii, USA
Utila, Honduras
Safari in Tanzania
Dubai, UAE
Sun Moon Lake, Taiwan
Zanzibar, Tanzania
New Items I’ve Added to my Bucket List
– Everest Base Camp
– Scuba Dive all over the world
– Skydive (it’s been on my bucket list forever but I have yet to do it)
– Hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
– See the Pyramids of Egypt
My Next Trips
When we can start traveling again there are many countries I will want to visit. Here are a few.
– Colombia
– Peru
– Kenya
– Egypt
– South Africa
– Nepal
– Kyrgyzstan
– French Polynesia
New Projects I am Currently Working on
– This travel blog. I stopped writing for about a year because I was very busy traveling, but I am back with so much content and I am dedicated to posting a new article every Sunday. Hope you guys enjoy them!
– Learning Swahili. I already speak 3 languages fluently but I want to learn many more. Trying to learn Swahili is a big challenge but it’s been very fun so far. It will definitely take a while though.
– Starting my own travel agent/ consultant business. I am working hard at that, so stay tuned for more details!
In conclusion, I guess what I’m trying to say with this blog post is to “dream now, travel later”. During hard times, we need to keep dreaming. It’s so important to make plans for the future and have things to look forward to. For me, it’s travel.. but for you, it might be something else. Any reason is good to dream.
I hope this inspires you to revamp your bucket list and make travel plans. Just know that things will get better eventually and the world will open up to us once again. In the meantime, Mother Earth is taking a break and healing. We will all come out of this pandemic stronger and more caring humans.
Let me know in the comment section what your dreams, plans, and bucket list items are.
Wow, you have been to a lot of amazing places! I agree that while we can’t travel now, it doesn’t hurt to plan out where we want to go once we can travel again. New Zealand is very high on my list!
Hey Christina! New Zealand sounds so amazing! Definitely a great place to travel to once we can start traveling again! 🙂
Well done Annick. I also had a lot of dreams when I was your and accomplished a lot of them. One of my dreams was to make jewellery that was simple, not too expensive and be able to sell some and give some as gifts. I also wanted to be a good mother and wife as well as a good daughter. Now that I have beautiful grandchildren I want to be a good example to them in everything that I do. I will always be there for you.
Those are great dreams! Love you
Everest Base Camp
Scuba Dive all over the world
Hike the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu
I completely agree with you
The above link helps plan the Machu Picchu trip
Wow thank you so much for the information! I will definitely check this out 🙂